I bought skycrown.org on 30th August 2012 as an early birthday gift for myself. I’ve been moving URLs and hosts since 2008 so it felt good to finally settle with a domain I could call my own. I love the skies, birds, wings, princesses, crystals; hence the combination of two simple words — ‘sky’ and ‘crown’.
This domain also has its own unspoken motto: The sky is vast, implying that I should not limit my creativity although web designing is just a little hobby of mine; whereas a crown symbolizes magnificence and elegance, which I hope to achieve in every site I design (although I know I’m far from being professional xD). This tl;dr page pretty much expresses how much skycrown means to me; you have been warned.
Hi there, I’m Beth and I usually go by the online alias Mishiro. I’m a girl in her twenties trying to juggle time between work and hobbies. By day I’m a klutzy pharmacist-in-training and by night I’m just a procrasinating web designer who dreams too much.
My zodiac sign is the Virgo and that’s why I’m such an organized freak. I love pop music and can play the xylophone, drums and flute. My other hobbies include reading, travelling, playing badminton and video games (especially Pokémon). Web designing has been a hobby and passion of mine since 2008 and I indulge in it so that I can forget about my worries temporarily.